
Happy Birthday to a Great Man

Yellow cake with chocolate frosting. All day all I have wanted to do was get a box of yellow cake and a can of chocolate frosting and make yellow cake with chocolate frosting. It sounds crazy but today is my father-in-law’s birthday. The first time I celebrated it as Superman’s wife, I helped bake his… Continue reading Happy Birthday to a Great Man

Spiritual · Uncategorized

Picking Up Where You Left Off

On Saturday night, Superman and I had the opportunity to chaperone the youth dance (for teenagers in our church ages 14-18). We wandered the halls, watched awkwardly as teenagers wriggled and strut, we managed the snack table, and guarded the purses in the coat check. It was a pretty dull night for us, but we… Continue reading Picking Up Where You Left Off

Family · Katie's Kooky Thoughts · Uncategorized

Mirror, Mirror, in Your Brain…

Every week Princess Pea and I go to the library for story time. Story time starts fifteen minutes after the library opens; we get there as soon as the doors are unlocked (sometimes earlier). We walk in, return last week’s books and head to the children’s section. Princess Pea goes immediately to the toys. While… Continue reading Mirror, Mirror, in Your Brain…